Install VS Code & Jupyter on Windows
Start here:
Install Python.
Check these boxes and Install.
Visual Studio Code
Download VS Code.
Check all these boxes, and Install:
Install the VS Code extension for Python.
Run a file
In VS Code, open a new Powershell terminal like this:
Create a simple python file with the name “”
You can run a python file from the command prompt with the command “py” — but not with “python” unless you make some updates.
Install the jupyter extension for VS Code
Follow the prompt to being a new jupyter notebook. Try running a cell, and Windows will invite you to install the ipykernel package.
You should now be able to run notebooks in VS Code.
Optional: install git for Windows
Personally I find all of these helpful:
Optional: install Windows Linux Subsystem
Open Windows powershell and type wsl — install
You’ll need to reboot your machine for this to take effect.